Recognising pain symptoms in a dog who is not limping
Dogs cannot speak, and they are designed by nature to be good at hiding pain. As responsible dog owners we have a duty to be observant and to recognise the subtle signs that our dog may be experiencing pain or discomfort even if they are not limping.
These signs may include:
Changes in normal daily behaviour – being less sociable, not wanting to jump in or out of the car/ on off the sofa / stairs, being clingy and anxious, not wanting to walk as far. Avoiding having part of the body touched by moving or presenting a different part. Being more or less reactive to situations than normal.
Changes in character – less playful, depressed or withdrawn, being grumpy with those around him, restlessness, subdued or agitated.
Changes in resting habits – sleeping more or less, changing positions frequently, restless behaviour, sleeping in a different place to normal or lying in a different posture, sitting or laying frequently in one posture or on one side.
Changes in eyes – reddened eyes, discharge, dilated pupils, looking inwards or seeming to be squinting.
Changes in mobility – wanting less exercise, being slow to get up from laying or getting down to lying, stiff or avoiding turning to one side, reduced capability to jump or run, trotting or pacing instead of walking, stiff after resting or at the beginning of exercise.
Change in posture – not standing square on all for legs, a tight, stiff body, head forward, hunched, dipped or flat back, tail not hanging in a normal way, changes in gait.
Change in vocalisation – making unusual noises, groans, whines, barking more or going quiet.
Changes in basic needs – eating or drinking more or less, panting more even when resting, increased heart rate, changes in toileting patterns.
Other changes – scratching, licking, chewing or looking at areas of the body, feeling the cold or heat more than normal. Basically anything that is not normal for that individual dog when he or she is healthy and happy.
Pain symptoms can creep up gradually, or at times we accredit them to old age. Pain during aging is not acceptable. Where ever there are changes in behaviour it is worth contacting your vet to have your animal checked out and try to establish the cause of the pain and find out if treatment is needed. Following the vet check Bowen Therapy could well help reduce the symptoms of pain and help your dog regain quality of life.
What Clients Say:
Clare thank you so very much. The fireworks went off and he stayed relaxed, that is the first time ever. This Bowen is amazing, thank you again.